Brad Spencer's Ancient Home Page

Gosh. Remember home pages? Mine still exists. It's really not a lot different than it was in 1994. Some of these pages even use GIFs to add custom fonts. Oh my.

There's a pointless, out-of-date short bio dating mostly from the dot-com era.

It's unlikely that I will ever get around to finishing a direct Windows port of my (reportedly) addictive game for DOS. But, maybe somebody will name a band after me.

As a member of the 8-bit Generation, I remember my history. I also try to listen to others.

Here's the workbench I built . . . um, a decade or more ago.

Some of the links below likely don't work anymore.

Me, Interesting Stuff, Other Folks, GUS+Doom, Java, Win Logos, Bub, Stupid Memory Games, Words of Wisdom, Once-future Media Anxiety, My workbench, Ancient History

Reach me at
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Last Modified: November 27, 2002